Another of my all-time favourites, this is a rollercoaster of an adventure, that never really lets up. It’s been a while since I read it, so a lot of the story was fresh and I was surprised at how wide it casts it’s net - from the initial robbery, the detail of the gnomes and the pursuit in the cinema, right down to the ‘second’ ending and the deduction surprises that last to almost the final page. A clever, atmospheric mystery that’s well worth a read, I loved it.

The format B paperback makes good use of an action sequence, with this vertigo-inducing image.
I agree with you. The multi-layered plot, with two mysteries that eventually converge is excellent and is the type of story that appealed to Hitchcock himself (like in his last movie, Family Plot). I especially like the stories with a good, strong villain like Rawley. Along with Moaning Cave, I'd say Vanishing Treasure is the best book in the series.